Prof. Diederich receives the Nauta Award for Pharmacochemistry

Prof. Diederich receives the "Nauta Award for Pharmacochemistry" for his outstanding contributions to Medicinal Chemistry and the development of international organizational structures in the field. This is the most important award for Medicinal Chemistry in Europe.
Prof. Novák appointed as ISE Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry

Prof. Petr Novák was appointed as Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) in recognition of his outstanding contributions to Electrochemistry.
Oxidized fatty acids as inflammation inhibitors

Researchers in Prof. Carreira's group have synthesized fatty acids that result from oxidative stress in the body. The laboratory variants turned out to be more potent anti-inflammatories than the natural ones, and have now been patented.
Better and cheaper materials

High-performance batteries, luminous semiconductors, sensitive detectors: Prof. Maksym Kovalenko is working to develop materials that are both more powerful and more economical than those we use today.
Jeremy Richardson new Professor at the LPC

On September 1, Jeremy Richardson will start as an Assistant Professor with tenure track at the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry. His main research focus is the theoretical description of quantum dynamical processes in complex systems.