
At the D-CHAB, research is conducted in over 50 research groups that are organized within the six Institutes and Laboratories:
Institute for Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (ICB)
The ICB has the finger on the button of bio(chemical) production. The research within the ICB focuses on a range of topics of contemporary and scientific importance in the broad area of chemical engineering.
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IPW)
The IPW is devoted to cutting-edge research at the interface of life and pharmaceutical sciences with the aim to develop concepts, targets, and prototypes for tomorrow's diagnostics and therapeutics.
Institute for Molecular Physical Science (IMPS)
The vision and strategy of this institute reflects the interdisciplinary nature of their research and its relation to informatics. The institute's field of work includes theoretical, computational, and experimental physical and biophysical chemistry.
Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry (LAC)
The research activities at the LAC encompass synthesis and characterization of complex systems with atomic and molecular level precision, with the increasing focus on energy and sustainability.
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry (LOC)
The LOC is a widely recognized international hub for innovative organic chemistry with both deep historical traditions and unique and inventive perspective on cutting edge research.
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry (LPC)
The LPC develops spectroscopic experiments and theoretical as well as computational methods for studying isolated molecules, bio-macromolecules, supramolecular assemblies, and ultrafast processes.