Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry (LAC)
The research activities at the LAC encompass synthesis and characterization of complex systems with atomic and molecular level precision, with the increasing focus on energy and sustainability. Inorganic chemistry in the forms of organometallic/coordination chemistry or surface/materials chemistry represents the key for developing new materials/molecules with novel properties. With its faculties, LAC covers a large palette of expertise in inorganic/analytical chemistry, making LAC an exciting place for training next generation of scientists with multidisciplinary experience. LAC strongly relies on the state-of-the-art tools of (inorganic) chemistry, encompassing the synthesis of novel molecular compounds and nanostructures, and the use and the development of advanced characterization techniques such as elemental and isotope mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray diffractometry, electron microscopy, electronic and vibrational spectroscopy, catalysis (homogeneous, heterogeneous, asymmetric), electrochemistry, magnetometry and electrical transport.
Come visit us to discover and experience the power of inorganic chemistry: you can explore the detailed atomic composition of (nano-)materials, synthesize and determine the 3D structure of metal complexes, obtain self-organized nanostructures, develop instrumentation for trace element and micro analysis or immerse yourself into more highly applied research, focused on selective conversion processes, biomass transformation or fuel production, next generations of molecular and solid-state materials for catalysis, flame retardants, fuel cells, batteries or solar cells.

Head of the Institute
Head of Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry
Lab. für Anorganische Chemie
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
Institute Assistant
Lab. für Anorganische Chemie
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10