Laboratory of Organic Chemistry (LOC)

Welcome to the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
The Laboratory of Organic Chemistry at ETH Zürich is a globally recognized hub for innovative organic chemistry with both deep historical tradition and a unique and inventive perspective on cutting-edge research. Our dynamic and collaborative atmosphere combines world-class facilities and instrumentation with an international flair.
The LOC includes 11 research groups that span the breadth of organic and analytical chemistry. Close, supportive interactions at all levels exist between the members of different research groups. The service facilities in NMR, MS, and X-ray analysis in the LOC are excellent.
A core strength of our institute is synthetic organic chemistry, including natural products, functional organic materials, peptides, proteins, polymers, and new pharmaceuticals. Many of the natural product and targeted syntheses are conducted with groundbreaking methodologies and catalysts developed by our researchers. Chemical biology and physical organic chemistry are other key strengths. The research from the LOC is published in top journals; in a typical year, more than 150 publications from the LOC appear. The faculties in the LOC are committed to excellent teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
More than 120 doctoral students and around 60 postdoctoral scholars from over 50 nations work at the LOC. English is the lingua franca of the institute, and Master and PhD courses are taught in English. PhD students have access to courses and educational programs from the entire ETH and surrounding universities.
Our legendary Monday Colloquium brings high-profile speakers from all over the world to present their latest research finding. Many other top scientists visit the LOC as part of intergroup seminars or international conferences held on site.
Following PhD or postdoctoral studies, our students are recruited globally to companies and universities. Alumni from the LOC include some of the most successful leaders in academia and industry and will continue to be in high demand in the future.
Head of LOC
Head of Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Professur für Chemische Biologie
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10

Coordinator | Assistant
Lab. für Organische Chemie
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10