L. M. Venanzi Distinguished Lecture
The L. M. Venanzi Distinguished Lecture Award was established in 2014 in memory of Professor Dr. Luigi Maria Venanzi and is awarded by the Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry.
LAC L. M. Venanzi Distinguished Lecture 2024
Prof. Dr. Guy Bertrand, University of California San Diego, receives the L. M. Venanzi Distinguished Lecture Award 2024 in recognition of his extraordinary contributions to the field of reaction intermediates and in particular for his pioneering work on stable carbenes.
The LAC L. M. Venanzi Distinguished Lecture 2024 will be given by Prof. Dr. Guy Bertrand on May 7, 2024, 17:15 in lecture hall HCI J7, on
«Carbenes as Powerful Transition-Metal Surrogates»
Download abstract (PDF, 160 KB)
and on May 8, 2024, 13:00, in lecture hall HIL E4, on
«Low coordinated main group species»
Download abstract (PDF, 160 KB)

Luigi Venanzi was a citizen of the world. Born in Italy in 1927, and fluent in several languages, he received his “Dipl. Chem.” in 1952 from the University of Kiel, Germany. He then joined the Butterwick Research Laboratories of I.C.I. Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, England, working in the group of J. Chatt. In 1956, he was appointed I.C.I. Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, England, where he obtained the degree of D. Phil. in 1958. He then became a Lecturer at the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory of that University and a Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, positions he held until 1968 when he joined the State University of New York at Albany, NY, as Professor of Chemistry. In 1971 he became E.I. du Pont Professor and Chairman of the Chemistry Department at the University of Delaware. In 1973, he returned to Europe, as the Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at ETH Zurich, as successor of Gerold Schwarzenbach, where he stayed until his retirement.
His research interests range from homogeneous catalysis to cluster chemistry, with a strong bias for the coordination chemistry of the platinum-group metals, hydrides and polydentate phosphines. He is the author of ca. 250 original publications in these areas.
List of awardees
Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, University of Tokyo
In recognition of her inspiring work in the field of catalytic chemistry.
Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley
In recognition of his contribution to the field of main group and transition-metal chemistry, in particular involving group 14 elements.
Department of Chemistry, MIT, Boston
In recognition of his inspiring work in the field of organometallic chemistry.