L. M. Venanzi Distinguished Lecture 2018

Prof. Dr. Kyoko Nozaki, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, University of Tokyo
In recognition of her inspiring work in the field of catalytic chemistry.
The LAC L. M. Venanzi Distinguished Lecture 2018 was given by Prof. Dr. Kyoko Nozaki on March 27th and 28th, 2018.
Catalysis toward Utilization of Renewable Resources: Ligand Contribution to the Group 9 Metal Mediated H2 Addition/Elimination Reactions Download Abstract (PDF, 92 KB)
Copolymerization of Olefins with Polar Monomers: The Role played by Unsymmetrical Bidentate Ligand in the Group 10 Metal Mediated Olefin Insertion and β-Hydride Elimination Download Abstract (PDF, 29 KB)
The lectures were attended by a large audience. It was a pleasure for the LAC to host Prof. Kyoko Nozaki and we cordially thank her for the visit.
We are looking forward to the next LAC L. M. Venanzi Lecture in 2020.