L. M. Venanzi Distinguished Lecture 2016
Prof. Dr. T. Don Tilley, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley
In recognition of his contribution to the field of main group and transition-metal chemistry, in particular involving group 14 elements.
The LAC L. M. Venanzi Distinguished Lecture 2016 was given by Prof. Dr. T. Don Tilley on April 12th and 13th, 2016.

The Role of High Oxidation State Metal Species in Water Oxidation and Solar Fuels Production Download Abstract (PDF, 75 KB)

Chemical Transformations with Unusual Metal-Silicon Species and Two-Coordinate First-Row Metal Complexes Download Abstract (PDF, 75 KB)
The two lectures attracted a large audience thereby contributing to fruitful discussions during and after the presentations. It was a pleasure for the LAC to host Prof. T. Don Tilley and we cordially thank him for his visit. Furthermore, we thank KGF for the generous support of the event.
We are looking forward to the next LAC L. M. Venanzi Lecture in 2018.
In the name of the LAC, Antonio Togni