Here you will find information on major awards and grants that have been awarded to members of the Department of Chemistry Applied Biosciences (D-CHAB).
Ruzicka Prize 2024 for Murielle Delley

Towards sustainable catalysis: On February 14, 2025, Prof. Murielle Delley, professor at the University Basel, will receive the 2024 Ruzicka Prize for her work on the controlled surface modification of cobalt phosphide with sulfur.
IUPAC-Zhejiang NHU International Award for Javier Pérez-Ramìrez

The IUPAC-Zhejiang NHU International Award for Advancements in Green Chemistry aims to recognize the contributions of one experienced chemist and three early career chemists for their work in advancing the field of green chemistry. This year, the experienced chemist winner is Javier Pérez-Ramìrez who made significant contributions to green chemistry transforming the landscape of sustainable chemical and energy production.
IBM Research Award 2024 to Miguel Steiner

As part of the ETH Day 2024 celebrations, Dr. Miguel Steiner received the IBM Research Award 2024 for his dissertation on navigating the catalytic reaction space with automated and controlled mechanism exploration approaches. The prize, sponsored by IBM Research Zurich Laboratory, is awarded alternately to outstanding master's and doctoral theses in the fields of computational chemistry, physics, biology and materials science.
Dandelion Award for Roger Schibli

The Dandelion Award, initiated in 2021 by ETH AI Center and ETH Entrepreneur Club, recognizes professors for their outstanding efforts to promote entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich and beyond. This year, Prof. Roger Schibli (IPW) has been honored with the award.
Hansch Award 2024 for Sereina Riniker

The Hansch Award is named after Prof. Corwin Hansch, a pioneer of the quantitative structure-activity relationship and physical chemistry applied to drug discovery. This year the Hansch Award has been awarded to Sereina Riniker, Associate Professor at the Institute of Molecular Physical Science, who has made significant contributions to the field.