Retrospects and portraits of awardees

Review - Ruzicka Prize 2022

The Ruzicka-​Prize 2022, sponsored by Firmenich, went to Prof. Dr. Athina Anastasaki for her research on constructing and deconstructing polymers made by controlled radical polymerization. 

The ceremony of the Ruzicka Prize 2022 took place on December 19, 2022, 5 pm, lecture hall G3 (HCI building), ETH Zurich Hönggerberg. The event has been sponsored by Firmenich. 

More information about the laureate and the research:

Article (research portrait): A recipe for constructing and recycling plastics

Download Booklet (A5) (PDF, 1.7 MB) with details about the event and the awardee

Download Poster (A3) (PDF, 1 MB)

Review - Ruzicka Prize 2021

The Ruzicka Prize 2021 went to Prof. Dr. Fabian von Rohr for his work on the discovery of quantum materials by combining chemical and physical design principles. The award ceremony took place on November 18, 5-6 pm, HCI G3 / Campus Hönggerberg. 

Article: personal portrait of the awardee

Download Flyer (A5) (PDF, 2.8 MB) with information about the awardee and his research

Download Poster (A3) (PDF, 2.6 MB)

Ruzicka Prize wnner 2021-Fabian von Rohr
Ruzicka Prize laureate 2021 Fabian von Rohr, UZH (Photo Prof. von Rohr: Jos Schmid, Design: Julia Ecker, ETH Zurich)

Review - Ruzicka Prize 2020

The Ruzicka-Prize 2020 went to Dr. Patrick Hemberger (PSI) for his research on understanding the mechanisms of catalytic fast pyrolysis by unveiling reactive intermediates in hetero­geneous catalysts. The ceremony of the Ružička Prize 2020 took place on November 24, 2020, 5 pm - due to Corona via Livestream. Find more details on Patrick Hemberger and his research in the Download booklet (PDF, 641 KB) or on the D-CHAB homepage (portrait of the winner).  

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