Ruzicka Prize

The Ruzicka Prize, named after the ETH professor and Nobel laureate Leopold Ruzicka and sponsored by dsm-firmenich, is one of the most important awards for the promotion of young scientists in the field of chemistry in Switzerland. The prize is endowed with 10,000 CHF.  

Ruzicka Prize 2024 

The Ruzicka Prize 2024, sponsored by dsm-firmenich, went to Dr. Murielle Delley, Assistant Professor at the University of Basel.

The Ruzicka Award Ceremony and Talk 2024 took place on February 14, 2025, 5-6 pm in the HCI building, Hönggerberg, lecture hall J3, followed by an apéro. 

Prof. Delley gave her lecture about Towards Sustainable Catalysis: Tackling the Challenges of Site Distribution and Entangled Interfacial Effects at Catalytic Surfaces. 

Learn more about the awardee and her research reading this article. Information about the program and the Ruzicka Prize can be found in this Download flyer (PDF, 1.7 MB). The poster (A3) can be downloaded Download here (PDF, 1.2 MB).

We look forward to having you with us! 

Sponsored by dsm-firmenich

Review: Ruzicka Prize 2023

The Ruzicka Prize 2023 went to Prof. Dr. Victor Mougel for his research on "Redox Properties and Catalytic Applications of Synthetic Iron-Sulfur Clusters".

Find out more about the awardee and his research in this article and in the Download brochure (PDF, 1.8 MB).

The award ceremony of the Ruzicka Prize 2023 took place on November 23, 2023, 5-6 pm in lecture hall G3 (HCI building), ETH Zurich Hönggerberg. The event poster (A3) is available Download here (PDF, 2.2 MB).

The Ruzicka Prize 2023 has been sponsored by dsm-firmenich.

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Ruzicka Prize awardee Victor Mougel introduces himself and his research, and invites everybody to join the Ruzicka Lecture on Nov. 23, 2023 (Video: Julia Ecker)

The following documents must be submitted along with a letter of recommendation:

  • The publication on which the nomination is based (and possibly any other significant publications)
  • List of publications
  • CV

The following conditions apply to nominations:

  • Self-nominations are not permitted
  • Scientists in a permanent professorial position may not be nominated
  • Nominations may only be submitted by scientific institutions (from industry or tertiary education) and members of such institutions in an individual capacity

The prize is awarded on the basis of the following criteria:

  • The originality and quality of the published work on which the nomination is based
  • Independence of research
  • Breadth of research
  • Age

Nominations of candidates (age limit 40 years) should be submitted to:

Prof. Dr. Christophe Copéret

Chair of the board of trustees

HCI H 229
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 2
8093 Zurich


The board of trustees of the foundation consists of nine members. The representatives are appointed for four years by the Vice President Research and Corporate Relations of ETH Zurich.

Members of the board:

Prof. Dr. Christophe Copéret
ETH Zurich

Head of the Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry:
Prof. Dr. Maksym Kovalenko
ETH Zurich

Head of the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry:
Prof. Dr. Kathrin Lang
ETH Zurich

Head of the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry:
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jakob Wörner
ETH Zurich

Head of the Institute of Chemical and Bioengineering:
Prof. Dr. Shih Chih-Jen
ETH Zurich

Head of the Institute of Molecular Physical Science
Prof. Dr. Roland Riek
ETH Zurich

Head of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences:
Prof. Dr. Roger Schibli
ETH Zurich

Representative of the chemical industries:
Dr. Eric Frérot
Firmenich SA Genf

Representative of a Swiss university:
Prof. Dr. Christian Grégoire Bochet
Universität Freiburg

Representative of the Swiss Chemical Society:
Prof. Dr. Sandrine Gerber

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Manuela Caprani
  • HCI H 209
  • +41 44 633 93 06

Dep. Chemie und Angew. Biowiss.
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
8093 Zürich

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