PhD Public Presentations
In this lecture series, PhD students of the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering ICB are presenting the results of their research projects. The lectures are open to the public. You are invited to learn more about the ICB's current research projects by joining these presentations.

Hsin-Hung Kuo
ICB/The Shih Lab
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Máté Bezdek (ETH Zurich)
Prof. Dr. Bob Schroeder (University College
19/03/2025, 10:45 am
ETH Hönggerberg, HCI H 8.1 and on Zoom (external page

Download Structure of active sites in the methanol-to-olefins process (PDF, 99 KB)
Luca Maggiulli
ICB / The van Bokhoven Group
PSI / Laboratory for Sustainable Energy Carriers and Processes, Applied Catalysis and Spectroscopy group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Dr. Davide Ferri, Prof. Dr. Stian Svelle
15/04/2025, 9:00 am, Paul Scherrer Institute OFLG/402 and on Teams (external page Link)

Download Data Science Tools for Heterogeneous Catalyst Design (PDF, 120 KB)
Manu Shivanand Suvarna
ICB/Advanced Catalysis Engineering Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Pérez-Ramírez
Co-examiners: Dr. Teodoro Laino, IBM Research Europe and
Prof. Dr. Ive Hermans, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Download CRISPR-Cas Diagnostics: Solutions for Enhanced Assay Performance (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Jake Lesinski
ICB/The deMello Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Ciara Kathleen O’Sullivan, Universitat Rovira and
Dr. Daniel Richards

Andreas Gimpel
ICB/Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Robert Grass
Co-examiners: Dr. Nick Goldman (EMBL-EBI), Prof. Dr. Reinhard Heckel (TUM), Prof. Dr. Kjell Jorner and Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark

Samuel Heiniger
ICB/Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Markus Niederberger and
Prof. Dr. Ignacio Grossmann

Damir Temiraliuly
ICB/Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Jan Stark
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Roger Gassert, Dipl.Ing., Dr.rer.medic. Friedrich Kaufmann (Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité) and Prof. Dr. Kunal Masania (TU Delft)

Alessandra Stürchler
ICB/The deMello group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew J. deMello
Co-examiners: Dr. Bogdan Mateescu, Prof. Dr. Magdalini Polymenidou and Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio

Download Microfluidic synthesis and characterization of single-atom catalysts (PDF, 111 KB)
Thomas Moragues
ICB/The deMello group and Advanced Catalysis Engineering group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew J. deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez, Prof. Dr. Milad Abolhasani and Dr. Sharon Mitchell

Andreas Brenig
ICB/The van Bokhoven Group and Laboratory for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Gunnar Jeschke, Dr. Vitaly Sushkevich and Dr. Ceri Hammond

Andrea Blankenship
ICB/The van Bokhoven Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Unni Olsbye and
Dr. Vladimir Paunovic

Tangshen Zou
ICB/Advanced Catalysis Engineering Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez‑Ramírez
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Kyriaki Polychronopoulou

Download Multimodal fluorescence analysis of biomolecular interactions (PDF, 106 KB)
Prerit Mathur
ICB/The deMello Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew J. deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Govind Kaigala, Prof. Benjamin Schuler and Dr. Stavros Stavrakis

Karl Normak
ICB/Biochemical Engineering Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Paolo Bergese and Prof. Dr. Petra Dittrich

Dominik Alexander Zürcher
ICB/Biochemical Engineering Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer (ETH), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Frieß (LMU München) and
Dr. Klaus Wuchner (J&J)

Dario Poier
ICB/Advanced Catalysis Engineering Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez‑Ramírez
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Roger Marti, Dr. Sharon Mitchell and Prof. Dr. Ali Çoskun

Download Self-Driven Microfluidics for Drug Discovery and Development (PDF, 226 KB)
Philippe Simon Lenzen
ICB/Biochemical Engineering Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio
Co-examiners: Prof. Onur Boyman (UZH) and Dr. Stavros Stavrakis (ETH Zurich)

Tim Forster
ICB/Sustainable Process Systems Engineering Lab
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Guillén Gosálbez
Co-supervisors: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio and Dr. Ehecatl Antonio Del Rio Chanona

Download Towards atomic precision in heterogeneous catalyst design (PDF, 123 KB)
Vera Giulimondi
ICB/Advanced Catalysis Engineering Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-supervisors: Dr. Sharon Mitchell and Prof. Núria López

Download Chemical recycling of polyolefin waste via catalyzed hydrogenolysis (PDF, 204 KB)
Shibashish Jaydev
ICB/Advanced Catalysis Engineering Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-supervisors: Dr. Antonio J. Martín and Prof. Dr. Dmitry Yu. Murzin

Tommaso Marcato
ICB / The Shih Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih
Co-supervisors: Prof. Dr. Romain Quidant and Prof. Dr. Malte C. Gather

Anne Lüscher
ICB / Funtional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Robert Grass
Co-supervisors: Prof. Dr. Kjell Jorner and Prof. Dr. Reinhard Heckel (TU München)

James Nicholas
ICB /deMello group
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello and Prof. Dr. Josep Puigmartí-Luis
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Salvador Pané Vidal

Download Laser-pyrolyzed graphenic paper: towards smart electrochemical diagnostic tests (PDF, 143 KB)
Léonard Bezinge
ICB /deMello group and Shih group
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih and Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiner: Dr. Emmanuel Delamarche

Sebastiano Carlo D’Angelo
ICB / Sustainable Process Systems
Engineering Lab
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Guillén-Gosálbez
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez and Prof. Dr. Prodromos Daoutidis

Yingchao Meng
ICB / The deMello group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Inge Herrmann and Dr. Stavros Stavrakis

Claudiu Colbea
ICB / The van Bokhoven Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Marc G. Willinger (TUM) and Dr. Luca Artiglia (PSI)

Valentina Negri
ICB / Sustainable Process Systems
Engineering Lab
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Guillén-Gosálbez
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Ignacio E. Grossmann and Prof. Dr. André Bardow

Iasonas Ioannou
ICB / Sustainable Process Systems
Engineering Lab
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Guillén-Gosálbez
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
and Prof. Victor M. Zavala

Hannes Frey
ICB / The van Bokhoven Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Marc-Georg Willinger (TUM) and Prof. Dr. Thomas Willum Hansen (DTU)

Syeda Rabia Batool
ICB / The van Bokhoven Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Ralph Spolenak and Dr. Vitaly Sushkevich

Download Solid Phase Ion Engineering in Colloidal Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals (PDF, 224 KB)
Simon Fabio Solari
ICB / Nanomaterials Engineering Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. David J. Norris and
Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello

Download Hydroformylation of Olefins Mediated by Metal-Organic Frameworks (PDF, 123 KB)
Patrick Gäumann
ICB / The van Bokhoven Group/Syncat Group at Paul Scherrer Institute
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Grützmacher and Dr. Marco Ranocchiari

Download Novel Tools for the Design of Single-Atom Heterogeneous Catalysts (PDF, 89 KB)
Dario Faust Akl
ICB / advanced Catalysis engineering group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-examiners: Dr. Sharon Mitchell and Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Guillén Gosálbez

Download Design and engineering of granular hydrogels for biomedical applications (PDF, 207 KB)
Börte Emiroglu
ICB / The deMello Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Mark W. Tibbitt, Prof. Dr. Jeffrey A. Hubbell and Dr. Robert W. Style

Download Functionalization of light alkanes over copper-containing zeolites (PDF, 916 KB)
Mikalai Artsiusheuski
ICB/ The van Bokhoven Group/Reaction dynamic Group at Paul Scherrer Institute
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Matthias Ernst, Prof. Dr. Silvia Bordiga, Dr. Vitaly Sushkevich

Thaylan Pinheiro Araújo
ICB/Advanced Catalysis Engineering Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Robert N. Grass and Prof. Dr. Núria López

Xiansheng Li
ICB/ The van Bokhoven Group/ Paul Scherrer Institute
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven and Dr. Luca Artiglia
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Christoph Müller

Zeyou Pan
ICB/ The van Bokhoven Group/Reaction dynamic Group at Paul Scherrer Institute
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Dr. Patrick Hemberger and
Prof. Dr. Christoph Bostedt

Download High-throughput droplet sorting for enzyme engineering (PDF, 88 KB)
Ankit Jain
ICB/ The deMello Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. André R. Studart and Dr. Stavros Stavrakis

Download Droplet-Based Synthesis and Assembly of Nanomaterial Systems (PDF, 114 KB)
Julia Nette
ICB/ The deMello Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Maksym Kovalenko and Prof. Dr. Philip D. Howes

Ilia Sadykov
ICB/ The van Bokhoven Group/ Operando X-ray Spectroscopy Group at Paul Scherrer Institute
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez and Dr. Olga V. Safonova

Carolina Paganini
ICB/ Biochemical Engineering Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Inge Hermann

Arik Malte Beck
ICB/ van Bokhoven group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Marc G. Willinger, Prof. Dr. Christoph Müller and Prof. Dr. Emiel Hensen

Download Microfluidic Platforms for Single-Cell Manipulation and Analysis (PDF, 696 KB)
Mahmut Kamil Aslan
ICB/ deMello group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Jing Wang and Dr. Stavros Stavrakis

Florentine Strudwick/Florentine Louise Petronella Veenstra
ICB/ Advanced Catalysis Engineering Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih and Dr. Antonio J. Martín

Download Using Fluoropolymers to Develop a Golgi on-a-chip and Clouds from-a-chip (PDF, 189 KB)
Florin Niklaus Isenrich, ICB/deMello Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lohmann and Prof. em. Dr. Markus Aebi

Download Understanding Fast Pyrolysis of Lignin to Produce Chemicals and Fuels (PDF, 303 KB)
Allen Arturo Puente Urbina, ICB/van Bokhoven Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Renato Zenobi (LOC), Prof. Dr. Jeremy Luterbacher (EPFL)

Daniele Cartagenova, ICB/van Bokhoven Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Bill Morandi (LOC), Dr. Marco Ranocchiari (PSI), Dr. Stephan Bachmann (F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.)

Mohammad Asghari, ICB/The deMello group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Klaus Eyer and Dr. Stavros Stavrakis

Download Dynamics and aging of biomolecular condensates in physiology and disease (PDF, 1.5 MB)
Miriam Linsenmeier, ICB/
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Karsten Weis (D-BIOL, Institute of Biochemistry)
19/01/2022, 10:00 am

Julie Probst, ICB/deMello Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih and Dr. Stavros Stavrakis

Download Biomolecular condensation for biocatalytic reaction engineering (PDF, 493 KB)
Andreas Küffner, ICB/Biochemical Engineering Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Donald Hilvert

Simon Büchele, ICB/aCe - Catalysis Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih and Dr. Sharon Mitchell

Philippe Bechtold, ICB/Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Jan Stark
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio

Philipp Antkowiak, ICB/Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Robert Grass
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Mark Tibbitt, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Heckel, Prof. Dr. Wendelin Jan Stark

Olivier Gröninger, ICB/Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Jan Stark
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Markus Niederberger

Ali J. Saadun, ICB/aCe - Catalysis Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Christoph Müller

Urs Lustenberger, ICB/Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Jan Stark
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Guillén-Gosálbez

Alessia Villois, ICB/The deMello group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio and Dr. Stavros Stavrakis

Linda Meiser, ICB/Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Robert Grass
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih

Download Advanced microfluidic platforms for pathogen detection (PDF, 94 KB)
Zahra Halvorsen, ICB/deMello Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Dr. Klaus Eyer, Dr. Stavros Stavrakis, Dr. Vincent Revol

Selina K. Kaiser, ICB/aCe - Catalysis Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Christophe Copéret

Download Enabling information in materials and the environment through synthetic DNA (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Julian Koch, ICB/Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Guillén Gosálbez and Prof. Dr. Robert Grass

Simon Doswald, ICB/Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio and
Prof. Dr. Beatrice Beck Schimmer

Download Developing electron diffraction into a multi-purpose tool for catalysis (PDF, 409 KB)
Juilan Wennmacher, ICB/The van Bokoven Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Dr. Tim Gruene (University of Vienna), Prof. Dr. Takashi Ishikawa, Dr. Michael Wörle

Download Machine Learning and Hybrid modeling: Tools for biopharmaceutical development and production (PDF, 3.1 MB)
Harini Narayanan, ICB/Biochemical Engineering Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio
Co-examiners: Prof. Gonzalo Guillén Gosálbez,
Prof. Massimo Morbidelli and Dr. Michael Sokolov

Semih Sevim, ICB/deMello group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Josep Puigmartí-Luis and
Prof. Dr. Salvador Pané Vidal

Fulvio Grigolato, ICB/Biochemical Engineering Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Marco Mazzotti

Marie Kopp, ICB/Biochemical Engineering Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Jean-Christophe Leroux

Download Antigen-antibody binding kinetics for quantitative molecular diagnostics (PDF, 118 KB)
Anna Fomitcheva Khartchenko, ICB/deMello group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Klaus Eyer and Dr. Govind Kaigala

Download Enzyme-Enabled DNA Biosensors for Field-Deployable Diagnostics (PDF, 209 KB)
Akkapol Suea-Ngam, the deMello group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio and Dr. Philip D. Howes

Download Design of indium oxide catalysts for sustainable methanol production from carbon dioxide (PDF, 781 KB)
Matthias Frei, Advanced Catalysis Engineering Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Guillén Gosálbez and Dr. Cecilia Mondelli

Download Metablolic network analysis and its application in understanding the biology of aging (PDF, 525 KB)
Sudharshan Ravi, deMello Group and Gunawan Group
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Andrew J. deMello and Prof. Dr. Rudiyanto Gunawan
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio

Download On the Synthesis and Study of Photoluminescent Nanocrystals Using Integrated Microfluidic Systems (PDF, 220 KB)
Shangkun Li, deMello Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew J. deMello
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih and Dr. Philip D. Howes
ETH Hönggerberg, 15/07/2020

Download Thermodynamic behavior of supported transition-metal based heterogeneous catalysts (PDF, 493 KB)
Xing Wang, The van Bokhoven Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen Anton van Bokhoven
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Christophe Copéret and Dr. Dennis Palagin

Download From the catalytic partial oxidation of methane to Lewis acid sites in zeolites (PDF, 387 KB)
Manoj Ravi, The van Bokhoven Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen Anton van Bokhoven
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Christophe Copéret

Download Two-dimensional colloidal quantum wells for future photonic sources (PDF, 913 KB)
Jakub Jagielski, The Shih Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Maksym Kovalenko and Prof. Dr. Lukas Novotny

Download A whole-cell biosensor platform and its applications in assessing environmental pollution (PDF, 267 KB)
Nadine Lobsiger, Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Beat Christen

Download Liquid phase catalytic ethanol oxidation to acetic acid (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Sotiria Mostrou, The van Bokhoven Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen Anton van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Sotiris E. Pratsinis and Prof Dr. Karin Föttinger (TU Wien)

Download In situ studies on the crystallization of amorphous calcium carbonate and the role of magnesium ions in calcium carbonate polymorph selection (PDF, 224 KB)
Jacinta Xto, The van Bokhoven Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen Anton van Bokhoven
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Christoph Müller and Dr. Thomas Huthwelker

Download Modeling and Engineering the Interfacial Properties of Two-Dimensional Materials (PDF, 2 MB)
Tian Tian, The Shih Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Mathieu Luisier and Dr. Elton Santos

Download Agile development of chemical devices: design iterations, consumer electronics and rapid prototyping (PDF, 252 KB)
Michele Gregorini, Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio

Download Carbon nitride as a platform for single metal atoms and low-nuclearity clusters (PDF, 211 KB)
Evgeniya Vorobyeva, Advanced Catalysis Engineering Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih

Download Multifunctional catalytic systems for syngas conversion into higher alcohols (PDF, 3.2 MB)
Ho Ting Luk, Advanced Catalysis Engineering Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Christoph Müller and
Dr. Joseph A. Stewart

Download Catalytic processes for intensified vinyl chloride production (PDF, 203 KB)
Matthias Scharfe, Advanced Catalysis Engineering Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Guillén-Gosálbez and Prof. Dr. Núria López

Download Selective alkane activation by catalytic oxyhalogenation (PDF, 2.1 MB)
Guido Zichittella, Advanced Catalysis Engineering Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Wendelin J. Stark

Download Advances in DNA-based functional materials and performance improvements of soft pumps (PDF, 357 KB)
Xavier Kohll, Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Mirko Meboldt

Download Bacillus Subtilis Biosensors: Engineering a Living Material Sensor Platform (PDF, 22.9 MB)
Konstantin Schulz-Schönhagen, Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio

Download Development of perfusion cell culture processes for the manufacturing of therapeutic recombinant proteins (PDF, 175 KB)
Jean-Marc Bielser, ICB Morbidelli Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Massimo Morbidelli
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Guillén Gosálbez
and Dr. Jonathan Souquet (Merck)

Download Digitalization platform and supervisory control of an integrated continuous bioprocess (PDF, 114 KB)
Fabian Feidl, ICB Morbidelli Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Massimo Morbidelli
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello

Download Direct conversion of methane to methanol over copper-exchanged omega zeolite (MAZ) (PDF, 731 KB)
Amy Knorpp, The van Bokhoven Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Christoph Copéret

Download Intensifying Biomanufacturing by Frontal Chromatography (PDF, 610 KB)
Sebastian Vogg, ICB Morbidelli group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Massimo Morbidelli
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio
Download Analysis of single-cell transcriptional profiles
Nan Papili Gao, The deMello Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Rudiyanto Gunawan and Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio

Download Fe sites on the surface of silica and their reactivity in non-oxidative methane coupling (PDF, 248 KB)
Petr Sot, The van Bokhoven Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen Anton van Bokhoven
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Christoph Copéret

Download Synthesis, Characterization and Mechanism Study of Mesoporous Zeolite and Hollow Zeolite (PDF, 138 KB)
Teng Li, The van Bokhoven Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen Anton van Bokhoven
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih and Dr. Frank Krumeich

Download Characterization of elasto-inertial cell focusing and the development of novel high-throughput imaging flow cytometers (PDF, 161 KB)
Gregor Holzner, The deMello group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio and Prof. Dr. Manfred Claassen

Download Stability of Biopharmaceuticals during Manufacturing and Storage (PDF, 129 KB)
Ruben Wälchli, ICB Morbidelli group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Massimo Morbidelli
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio

Download Expansion process development for cell-based therapies (PDF, 1.5 MB)
Ernesto Scibona, ICB Morbidelli group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Massimo Morbidelli
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Markus Aebi

Download Spectroscopic Disentanglement of the Quantum States of Highly Excited Coppper Dimers (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Martin Beck, The van Bokhoven Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jeroen Anton van Bokhoven
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Hans Jakob Wörner

Download Engineering of DNA decay and gold dissolution for digital applications (PDF, 277 KB)
Weida Chen, Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih

Download Template-free synthesis of macroporous polymeric microclusters by reactive gelation, their post-functionalization by click chemistry and their application in antibody purification (PDF, 171 KB)
Marcel Lorenz, ICB Morbidelli Group
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Massimo Morbidelli and Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Storti
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Mark Tibbitt

Download A droplet-based microfluidic platform for the production, analysis and use of designer proteinosomes (PDF, 84 KB)
Martina Ugrinic, the deMello Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Massimo Morbidelli, Dr. T-Y Dora Tang

Download Quantitative millisecond kinetics in microdroplets using novel detection methods (PDF, 141 KB)
David Hess, the deMello Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio, Prof. Dr. Zbynek Prokop, Dr. Stavros Stavrakis

Download Ensemble design for selective hydrogeneation catalysts (PDF, 434 KB)
Davide Albani, Advanced Catalysis Engineering Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Andrew J. deMello and Prof. Dr. Núria López

Download Novel Applications of Metallic Nanoparticles for Cancer Treatments (PDF, 899 KB)
Antoine Herzog, Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Pablo Rivera-Fuentes

Download Particle Size Engineering of an Industrial Ziegler-Natta Catalyst (PDF, 89 KB)
Antoine Klaue, ICB Morbidelli Group
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Massimo Morbidelli
and Dr. Hua Wu
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Robert Grass

Download Colloidal polymer nanoparticles as building blocks towards functional composite materials (PDF, 849 KB)
Stefano Caimi, ICB Morbidelli Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Massimo Morbidelli
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Mark Tibbitt

Download Smart DNA-based tracers: measurement of light and temperature while tracing (PDF, 13.8 MB)
Gediminas Mikutis, Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Martin O. Saar

Download Processes for the reaction and separation of proteins (PDF, 733 KB)
Nicole Ulmer, ICB Morbidelli Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Massimo Morbidelli
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello

Download Development and optimization of mammalian cell perfusion cultures for continuous biomanufacturing (PDF, 4.3 MB)
Moritz Wolf, ICB Morbidelli Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Massimo Morbidelli
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Donald Hilvert

Download Micro fluorescence in situ hybridization (µFISH) using a microfluidic scanning probe (PDF, 67 KB)
Deborah Huber, the deMello group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Periklis Pantazis and
Dr. Govind Kaigala (IBM Research-Zurich)

Download The application of 3D printing and soft materials in the development of artificial hearts (PDF, 292 KB)
Nicholas Cohrs, Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Mirko Meboldt
ETH Hönggerberg, 7/03/2018

Download Optofluidic systems for controlled chemical and biological experimentation (PDF, 369 KB)
Tianjin Yang, the deMello group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio and Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Storti
ETH Hönggerberg, 27/02/2018

Download Microfluidic environments: a useful platform for synthesis, study and processing of crystalline materials (PDF, 173 KB)
Afshin Abrishamkar, the deMello group
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Andrew deMello and Dr. Josep Puigmarti-Luis
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih
ETH Hönggerberg, 14/02/2018

Download Catalytic processes for natural gas valorization via bromine chemistry (PDF, 1 MB)
Vladimir Paunović, Advanced Catalysis Engineering (aCE)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark
Thursday, 21/12/2017, 5 pm

Download Intriguing mercury - new tools in the pursuit of an old threat (PDF, 1.7 MB)
Basil Denzler, Safety and Environmental Technology Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Konrad Hungerbühler
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Detlef Günther and Dr. Christian Bogdal
Friday, 03/11/2017, 10.30 am

Download Pharmacokinetic and exposure modeling of bisphenol A and its substitutes (PDF, 234 KB)
Cecile Karrer, Safety and Environmental Technology Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Konrad Hungerbühler
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Kristopher McNeill and Dr. Natalie von Götz
Friday, 27/10/2017, 10.30 am

Download Optimization of industrial waste-to-energy networks (PDF, 124 KB)
Vasco Bolis, Safety and Environmental Technology Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Konrad Hungerbühler
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Massimo Morbidelli and Dr. Elisabet Capón García
13/10/2017, 10.30 am

Download Design of multi-component catalysts for the electrochemical conversion of CO2 into valuable fuels and chemicals (PDF, 223 KB)
Gastón Larrazábal, Advanced Catalysis Engineering (aCE)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez Ramírez
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Maksym Kovalenko
04/10/2017, 4 pm

Download Transfer of SVOCs from consumer products into house dust (PDF, 718 KB)
Vilma Sukiene, Safety and Environmental Technology Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Konrad Hungerbühler
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Rudiyanto Gunawan und Dr. Natalie von Götz
29/09/2017, 10.30 am

Download Catalytic technologies toward the glycerol biorefinery (PDF, 2.1 MB)
Giacomo Mario Lari, Advanced Catalysis Engineering (aCE)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Christoph Müller and Dr. Cecilia Mondelli
12/09/2017, 3 pm

Download Morphology control of porous polymeric materials via primary particle architecture (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Alberto Cingolani, ICB Morbidelli Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Massimo Morbidelli
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Lucio Isa
12/09/2017, 2 pm

Download Hierachical and porous assemblies of polyacrylonitrile nanoparticles for CO2 capture and catalysis (PDF, 345 KB)
Anna Beltzung, ICB Morbidelli Group
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Massimo Morbidelli and Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Storti
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Jeroen van Bokhoven
12/09/2017, 1 pm

Download Functional porous membranes by internal pore coating (PDF, 206 KB)
Mario Stucki, Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Mirko Meboldt
17/05/2017, 10.30 am
Download Unveiling enantioselective surface processes at the chiral solid-liquid interface of working catalysts (PDF, 52 KB)
Laura Rodriguez, Safety and Environmental Technology Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Konrad Hungerbühler
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Christophe Copéret
07/04/2017, 10.30 am

Download Data- and knowledge-driven computational tools for the process development of biopharmaceuticals (PDF, 981 KB)
Michael Sokolov, ICB Morbidelli Group
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Massimo Morbidelli
Co-examiners: Prof. Dr. Rudyanto Gunawan and Dr. Alessandro Butté
07/03/2017, 3 pm

Download Chemical functionalization of surfaces and nanoparticles: from magnetic reagents to catalysis and hollow structures (PDF, 1.8 MB)
Elia Schneider, Functional Materials Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Maksym Kovalenko
26/01/2017, 3 pm