PhD Teaching

The recording of teaching hours is done on individual level per group, and you can download a personal confirmation sheet here: Download confirmation sheet (XLSX, 10 KB). Every PhD should fill in his or her own confirmation sheet as soon as they have completed a course. Before the doctoral exam, this document must be signed by their professor (and the supervisor).

The courses that count as teaching during 2024 can be found here: protected page teaching activities.

All PhDs starting January 1st, 2021 must take part in a didactic course (mandatory participation): -set-go.html

This didactic course is the D-CHAB minimum requirement and takes about 6 hours. Participation may be credited to the 500 hours of teaching with 6 hours (credit only for this course!). The aim is for all new PhDs to complete this course as early as possible so that the course confirmation is available to the person responsible for the internship before the start of the first internship. It is recommended that all PhDs who started before January 1st, 2021 also complete this course.

New doctoral students with entry date as of 01-Jan-2022 will need to use a new template for the research plan ("Doktoratsplan") and for the qualifying colloquium ("Eignungskolloquium"). The thesis defense consists of 3 parts and more details can be find at the D-CHAB site.

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