Drug Seminar and Career-Networking
Welcome to IPW's Drug Seminar and Career-Networking days 2018
As of 2017, the format of the former "Seminarweek" has changed. The event now consists of the following two separate parts.
1) The course "Drug Seminar", takes place during the first half of the Autum semester. It concludes with the “Drug Seminar Symposium”, which is held at ETH mid of the semester. Further information about the Drug Seminar, including a guideline, can be found here
2) Career-Networking days are independently organized by the APV. The first Career-Networking days will take place from April 26- 29, 2018 in Interlaken.
Recent history:
2016: Seminar week in Interlaken
2015: Seminar week in Interlaken
2014: Seminar week in Valbella
2013: Seminar week in Gstaad
2012: Seminar week in Grindelwald
2011: Seminar week in Saas Fee