In order to gain access to your IT accounts at ETH Zurich, you need a valid ETHZ login.
After you have received your ETHZ login, you can activate and manage your IT accounts. You can find a list of available IT accounts and instructions on how to activate and manage each account in the ETHZ IT Knowledge Base: Identity & Access
If you have difficulties activating or managing your IT accounts, you can contact ETH Zurich's IT support. IT support offers support in solving technical problems and questions about central IT services. Information on IT support can be found on the website of the IT Service Desk: IT Service Desk ETHZ
As soon as you have a valid ETH login, you can access your email box by logging into an email client such as Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail or Mozilla Thunderbird. The exact steps for setting up your email client depend on the software and operating system used. You can find instructions for setting up your e-mail client in the IT knowledge database of ETH Zurich's IT services: e-mail and calendar
To access the ETH Zurich network, you have different options, depending on whether you are on or off campus.
If you are on campus, you can use ETH Zurich's Wi-Fi, for example by connecting to the "eduroam" network and logging in with your ETH login. Detailed information on how to set it up can be found on the ETHZ IT Knowledge Base: WLAN (WiFi)
To get access via the wired network (LAN), please contact your IT support.
If you are off campus, you can access the ETH Zurich network via a virtual private network (VPN). Information on setting up a VPN connection can be found in the ETHZ IT knowledge database: VPN (Virtual Private Network).
At ETHZ, members have various storage options that offer different advantages depending on the purpose and requirements. Here are some of the options available:
- ETH network drives ( shared folders): Members of ETH Zurich have access to personal network drives (home directories) and shared network drives (group directories), which are accessible via the ETH network. These network drives are suitable for storing data that is accessed frequently or shared between different people.
- ETH cloud storage: Members of ETH Zurich have access to various cloud storage solutions such as polybox or OneDrive . These storage solutions make it possible to access and synchronize data from anywhere and with different devices. The data is usually stored in Switzerland or in Europe and is therefore data protection compliant.
- Long Term Storage (LTS): Members of ETH Zurich have the option to store their research data in specialized storage infrastructures, which provide secure and long-term storage for large amounts of data.
- Client backup: The central IT services offer a client backup system that creates regular backups of selected files and folders on the user's computer and stores them on secure ETH Zurich servers. The backed up data can be restored by the users themselves if needed. An installation of the client backup software is necessary in order to be able to use the service.
Some of the storage options mentioned are free for members of ETH Zurich. However, different storage limits and terms of use apply, which are explained in more detail on the website of the ETH Zurich IT Services: storage options
A large number of software licenses (e.g. Microsoft 365, Cloud Services, etc.) are available at ETH Zurich. These can be used by employees, students and researchers for various purposes. You can find the software provided for you via the ETHZ IT shop and download it if required.
Further information on purchasing software can be found in the ETHZ IT Knowledge Base: software purchase
ETH Zurich offers various IT tools to its members which enable efficient collaboration and communication. Here are some of the most important tools:
- Microsoft Teams: Microsoft Teams is a web-based platform that allows teams to collaborate online, share documents, hold meetings, and chat. Teams is part of ETH Zurich's Microsoft 365 offering and is available to all members free of charge.
- Zoom: Zoom is a video and web conferencing platform that enables users to hold virtual meetings, presentations and training sessions. ETH Zurich makes Zoom available to all members and offers comprehensive instructions on how to use it.
ETHZ offers its members a wide range of IT services, which are professionally operated and mostly free of charge. You can find an overview in the IT Service Catalogue
IT inventory is essential for ensuring transparency, enhancing security, and optimizing the IT infrastructure at D-CHAB. It plays a key role in maintaining ETH’s security standards and data protection policies.
Devices included in the inventory
The inventory includes all devices provided by ETH Zürich, such as computers, laptops, and network equipment. Private devices are excluded.
Data collection methods
The data is collected both automatically and manually. Automatic tools like FusionInventory, GLPI-Agent, RayVentory, and Nessus work in the background without interrupting your tasks. In exceptional cases, such as for critical or special IT infrastructures, manual data entry will be performed by the IT coordinator on behalf of the user.
Actions required by users
For centrally managed devices, no action is needed on your part. If you manage your devices independently, the IT coordinator will assist you as necessary.
Data privacy and security
All collected data is handled in accordance with the ETH Zürich data privacy and security guidelines. Data is encrypted during transmission, securely stored, and only accessible to authorized personnel. No personal data of users is collected during the inventory process.
Benefits of IT inventory
This effort ensures IT databases are up to date, identifies potential weaknesses in the system early, and enables adjustments to meet current demands.
For any questions or assistance, feel free to reach out to your IT coordinator.