Activities & Services

The activities and services are based on ETHZ's IT strategy and the needs of the members of the department.

  • Administration of user accounts and security groups of the organizational units
  • Compliance with and implementation of applicable IT security guidelines
  • Professional procurement of hardware and software
  • Hardware support with repairs, disposal, server housing
  • Application for, setup and administration of central IT services: network administration, Global backup, NAS shares, archive storage, databases, etc.
  • Other activities in agreement with the head of the organizational unit

IT Infrastructure

The computer rooms in HIT F 21  and HCP G 22.3 on Hönggerberg can be used by students and employees of the departments D-CHAB, D-BIOL (chemical direction), D-PHYS and D-MATL . The computers are maintained by the central IT services of ETH. In case of problems, the assistants and the helpdesk (ID/ETH) are at your disposal.

  • 20 computers Linux Fedora
  • Multifunction printer (in the HIT physics library HIT E 12 and in HCP G 22.3)

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