Scientific Concepts and Methods

To become a good scientist, one has to learn how to apply scientific methods and practices and equally important how to critically reflect on the concepts and inferences used in scientific research.

philosophy of science and scientific methods

This one-week compulsory course familiarizes students with key concepts from philosophy of science which are linked to pivotal scientific methods of modern biomedicine. As an example, students learn that in science images can be used as metaphors, theories or evidence. They then discuss with an expert how the scientific technique of medical imaging works, which assumptions it is based on and which data transformations it employs in order to generate an image for patient diagnosis. more information

Critical Thinking

The main focus of the course is training students in critical thinking. Since critical reflection is most challenging when applied to one’s own knowledge and research, students scrutinize their own prior research projects. They reflect their experimental setups and results from different angles and evaluate alternative approaches. This process is documented on the online white board KNOW (Knowledge Network Online Whiteboard). more information

Course program

Every day is dedicated to a key concept from the philosophy of science and a thematically aligned, sophisticated scientific method of modern biomedicine. Each day, the philosophical and scientific topics are finally brought together in an interdisciplinary discussion between students, philosopher, and expert. more information

Scientific images

The course "Scientific Concepts and Methods" was nominated for the KITE award 2020 more information

Student testimonials

Die Lerneinheit ist sehr fordernd und verlangt viel von den Studenten, aber genau das macht sie so wertvoll!

Sehr interaktiv, sehr interessante Vorträge und Gäste. Schöne Gesprächsrunden. Die beste VL.

Reflections back to research projects worked nice with me, gave a change to think and clarify concepts.


Dr. Elvan Kut

Dr. Elvan Kut
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
ETH Zurich


PD Dr. V. Otto

PD Dr. Vivianne I. Otto
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
ETH Zurich


Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka

Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka
Institute of Philosophy
University of Bremen

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