LOC Faculty

Full and Assistant Professors

Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Bode

Prof. Dr. Jeffrey W. Bode
Synthesis & Chemical Biology
Group Website

Prof. Dr. Erick Carreira

Prof. Dr. Erick M. Carreira
Organic Synthesis, Natural Products
Group Website

Prof. Dr. Peter Chen

Prof. Dr. Peter Chen
Reaction Mechanisms
Group Website

Prof. Dr. Michelle Frei
Chemical Biology and Molecular Imaging
Group Website

Prof. Dr. Kathrin Lang

Prof. Dr. Kathrin Lang
Head of LOC
Chemical Biology & Synthetic Biochemistry
Group Website

Prof. Dr. Bill Morandi

Prof. Dr. Bill Morandi
Homogeneous Catalysis and Synthesis
Group Website

Prof. Dr. Helma Wennemers

Prof. Dr. Helma Wennemers
Organic Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Group Website

Prof. Dr. Renato Zenobi

Prof. Dr. Renato Zenobi
Analytical Chemistry
Group Website

Adjunct Professors

Prof. Dr. Peter Kast

Prof. Dr. Peter A. Kast
Function & Evolution of Biocatalysts
Group Website

Prof. Dr. Carlo Thilgen

Prof. Dr. Carlo Thilgen
Nanostructural Surfaces

Senior Scientists and Independent Investigators 

Dr. Marc-Olivier Ebert

Dr. Marc-Olivier Ebert
Structure and Dynamics by NMR
Website of NMR Service

Dr. Maximilian Fottner
Genetic code expansion & Chemical biology tools to study complex biological systems

Dr. Stamatios Giannoukos

Dr. Stamatios Giannoukos
Chemical analysis of exhaled breath applied to questions concerning nutrition

Dr. Naresh Kumar

Dr. Naresh Kumar
Nanoscale chemical analysis, spectroscopy, and imaging

Dr. Bartosz Lewandowski

Dr. Bartosz Lewandowski
Designing synthetic supramolecular assemblies that mimic the functions of biological systems and machines

Dr. Josep Mas-Roselló

Dr. Josep Mas-Roselló
Catalyst design, asymmetric synthesis, sustainable chemistry
external page Group Website

Dr. Vijaya Pattabiraman

Dr. Vijaya Raghavan Pattabiraman
Peptide Structures and Synthetic Modified Proteins

Dr. Susanne Wolfrum

Dr. Susanne Wolfrum
Chemical Biology, Biology of Metabolic Disease

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