IUPAC-Zhejiang NHU International Award for Javier Pérez-Ramìrez

The IUPAC-Zhejiang NHU International Award for Advancements in Green Chemistry aims to recognize the contributions of one experienced chemist and three early career chemists for their work in advancing the field of green chemistry. This year, the experienced chemist winner is Javier Pérez-Ramìrez who made significant contributions to green chemistry transforming the landscape of sustainable chemical and energy production.
Chemical Engineering Medal for Prof. Johan Rockström

With the 2024 ETH Zurich Chemical Engineering Medal, the ICB recognizes Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström's cutting-edge research on absolute sustainability and the planetary boundaries framework. These approaches are now being applied to the environmental assessment of chemical processes. Join us in the award ceremony & lecture on January 17, 2025 where Prof. Rockström will talk about “Advancing the Planetary Boundary Framework for World Stewardship of Earth”.
Deciphering the molecular life of catalysts

Whether for cling film or hydrogen production, in chemistry, everything strives for efficient, inexpensive catalysts. Surprisingly, little is known about how they work on a molecular level. Prof. Murielle Delley from the University of Basel aims to change this and is developing methods to promote the production of more efficient, sustainable catalysts. She has now been awarded the 2024 Ruzicka Prize for her work on the controlled surface modification of cobalt phosphide with sulfur. A portrait.