NMR Service
Welcome to the webpage of the NMR service of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IPW) at ETH.
Here you will find information regarding the organisation, infrastructure and services provided by the NMR service to members of the institute.
If you have any questions and are from outside the IPW please the head of the NMR service.
About us
Service and Research
The current possibilities of the service are listed below. The experiments will be either conducted by the NMR service staff or, after a personnel training course, by the scientist himself. The experiments are carried out either on the Av400 or the DRX-500 according to the nature of the experiment.
For further advice please contact the staff.
List of available experiments of the NMR service :
1H; 2H; 13C{1H}; 31P{1H}, 19F, other nuclei; 1H,1H-COSY (DQF-COSY); HSQC (1H,13C-COSY); HMBC (1H,13C-COSY longrange); TOCSY; ROESY; NOESY; INADEQUATE; E.COSY; 1D-NOESY; 1D-TOCSY; experiments with water suppression; experiments at variable temperature; 1H, X-Jres.

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- Fax print+41 44 633 13 69
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Inst. f. Pharmazeutische Wiss.
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10