The Ruzicka Prize 2015 goes to Henning Jessen

The Ruzicka Prize in 2015 goes to Prof. Dr. Henning Jessen for his successful research on secondary messenger molecules.

by Joachim Schnabl
Enlarged view: Ruzicka-2015-Preisvergabe
From left to right: Prof. Gademann, University of Zurich; Prof. Günther, ETH Zurich; Prof. Jessen, University of Freiburg; Prof. Hilvert, ETH Zurich

On November 24, 2015, Henning Jessen received the Ruzicka Prize for his latest research on inositol pyrophosphates. These molecules are so-called secondary messengers that allow cells to communicate and help regulating glucose uptake. In an excellent presentation at the award ceremony he stunned the audience with the latest results of his investigations of messenger molecules in living cells. His team of researchers could gain basic insights into the organization of cells which can serve to develop new drugs. They could successfully introduce the messenger molecules in an inactive state into living cells. Reactivated with a laser once inside the cells, the biological activity of the inositol pyrophosphates could be monitored in real-time. Jessen and his team are combining methods in synthetic chemistry and biology.

The D-CHAB cordially congratulates Prof. Henning Jessen to the Ruzicka Prize 2015 and wishes him a great start with his career in Bioorganic Chemistry at the external pageUniversity of Freiburg.

Press release ETHZ

Ruzicka Prize

external pageGroup Homepage of Prof. Jessen

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