A 3-D Printed Artificial Heart in the International News

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A 3-D printed artificial heart, developed in the group of Prof. Stark (D-CHAB) and tested in collaboration with the group of Prof. Meboldt (D-MAVT), has attracted international attention in various media.

On 13 July 2017 ETH Zurich reported on the 3-D printed artificial heart, which was developed by Nicholas Cohrs from the group of Prof. Wendelin J. Stark. The news article has already aroused the interest of various international media shortly after the publication, for example by external page CNN News.

(external page All news sources to the story)

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One way to find mentions of research articles on the internet is by using Altmetric. This service specializes in "tracking" all digitally published content online. If a publication is mentioned in the digital media, e.g. on news pages, blogs, Wikipedia, Facebook or Twitter, it is collected on the Altmetric page for publication and a "donut" is generated with a score in the middle (see picture on the left) to visualize the spreading of the mentions. The colors of the donuts reflect the various sources an article is discussed in (e.g. red for news channels, light blue for Twitter and dark blue for Facebook). The Altmetric score, however, is not a number to evaluate a publication, it merely shows its distribution.

The publication covering the 3-D printed heart, external page published in "Artificial Organs" in July 2017, is a good example of how to use media services such as external page altmetric.com to track media distribution with little effort.

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Group website of Prof Wendelin Jan Stark


Cohrs NC, Petrou A, Loepfe M, Yliruka M, Schumacher CM, Kohll AX, Starck CT, Schmid Daners M, Meboldt M, Falk V, Stark WJ. external page A soft Total Artificial Heart – First Concept Evaluation on a Hybrid Mock Circulation Artificial Organs, 2017.

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