Prof. Mezzetti wins the Golden Owl 2017

  • D-CHAB
  • LAC
  • Awards

This year's Golden Owl award goes to Prof. Mezzetti from the Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry. Every year the students decide who is given this award to honor lecturers of each department for their excellent teaching ablilties.

by Joachim Schnabl
Prof. Mezzetti

ETH Zurich’s student association (VSETH) annually awards the Golden Owl to lecturers with excellent teaching skills. At the end of each spring semester, students are asked to complete a survey, thereby choosing the recipient of the Golden Owl for each department. This year's Golden Owl for the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences goes to Prof. Mezzetti of the LAC. The award was given during ETH Day 2017

GoldenOwl of VSETH

group website of Prof. Mezzetti

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