Prof. Quitterer's research among the Top 5 at the 2018 Spark Award

  • D-CHAB
  • IPW
  • Awards

The group led by Prof. Quitterer has identified an enzyme that is responsible for the transition from burning fat to burning sugar inside the human heart. They reached the finals of the 2018 Spark Award for developing a new drug that influences the enzyme’s function and that could help patients with heart failure in the future.

by Joachim Schnabl
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Spark Award 2018: More life for old hearts - a new drug candidate for treatment of heart failure

Strengthening weak hearts

When the heart receives too little oxygen during heart failure, it starts to burn sugar rather than fat. This means that fat starts to be deposited in the heart instead, further damaging the weakened organ. The function of the enzyme can be influenced with the help of a new active substance that was developed in Prof. Quitterer's group. This drug could help treating patients with heart failure.

Spark Award finalists 2018

Homepage Quitterer group

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