Murielle Delley is awarded the Prix Schläfli 2019 in Chemistry

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The Swiss Academy of Sciences awarded the Schläfli Prizes 2019 for the four best scientific dissertations.

The Academy of Natural Sciences (SCNAT) annually awards the Prix Schläfli to the four best dissertations by young researchers at Swiss universities. Murielle Delley (Chemistry), Matteo Fadel (Physics), Rebekka Wild (Biology) and Julie Zähringer (Geosciences) receive the prize for discoveries made during their dissertation work.

In her dissertation titled “Molecular-Level Understanding of Structure and Reactivity of Isolated Chromium Sites on Oxide Surfaces”, Murielle Delley, former doctoral student at Christophe Copéret’s research group, investigated how certain catalysts, which are for example used in polyethylene production, function.

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