Wolfram Uhlig deceased

With heartfelt sadness, the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences at ETH Zurich informs that Dr. Wolfram Uhlig, died on 8.5.2024 at the age of 69.
Review: Open Laboratories Day (TOL) 2024

After a four-year break, the Open Laboratory Day was held again on June 6, 2024. Around 100 students from four cantons made their way to the Hönggerberg with their teachers to experience various aspects of chemistry and pharmacy through lectures, laboratory tours, and an experimental show. A review with many pictures.
Maarten Nachtegaal zum Titularprofessor am LAC ernannt

Dr Maarten Nachtegaal, Private Lecturer at ETH Zurich and Group Leader at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), as Adjunct Professor in the D-CHAB. Maarten Nachtegaal is an expert on beamline operando X-ray measurements. His work combines inorganic chemistry and chemical physics, with a focus on further developing synchrotron techniques in order to investigate the structure of catalysts and improve catalytic processes.