Prof. em. Duilio Arigoni dies at 91
With heartfelt sadness, the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry announces that our colleague and friend Prof. em. Duilio Arigoni passed away on June 10, 2020 at the age of 91.
A giant in the field, Arigoni was recognized as a scientist with a razor-sharp intellect. He pioneered fundamentally innovative approaches to elucidate biosynthetic pathways by which nature produces the endless diversity of bioactive secondary metabolites. Arigoni was widely recognized as a gifted teacher and a talented lecturer in several languages. Duilio will also be remembered for his charm and wit along with a breadth of knowledge that extended into many other areas, such as fine arts, music, literature, and history. Arigoni was a key figure in creating the global success story of ETH and its Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences. He will be sorely missed.
La vida es un cigarillo: humo, ceniza y candela unos lo fuman de prisa, y algunos lo saborean.Antonio Machado

To the interview with Prof. Duilio Arigoni
Download „Chemiker müssen Lust am Abenteuer haben!“ (PDF, 795 KB) Interview mit Duilio Arigoni, neues Ehrenmitglied der SCG. CHIMIA 2010, 64, No. 4. doi:10.2533/chimia.2010.269