D-CHAB Podcast Episodes #International Women's Day

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The natural sciences have historically always been a man's field. In some respects, this is still the case – at least at the executive level. But what can we learn from the past and what is the recipe for success for today's female scientists? Listen to our talks: #1 with Enriqueta Vallejo-Yagüe (founder Wall of Scientists) and #2 with the professors Helma Wennemers (D-CHAB), Gabriele Werner-Felmayer (Medical University Innsbruck) and Ulrike Tappeiner (President, University Bolzano). 

How to improve the future by acknowledging the past

Doctoral student at the D-CHAB (ETH Zurich), Enriqueta Vallejo-Yagüe’s "Wall of Scientists" shows that there are many more women in the history of science than one might think. On the occasion of International Women's Day 2022, she talks with Julia Ecker about failure and success, role models, bias and how the past can show us the way to a more balanced future of natural sciences.

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Women natural scientists and their recipe for success

In some respects, natural science still seems to be a man’s domain – at least at the executive level. Ulrike Tappeiner (EURAC Bolzano), Gabriele Werner-Felmayer (Med-Univ. Innsbruck) and Helma Wennemers (ETH Zurich) show the opposite is possible with their fascinating careers. Julia Ecker talks to them about research passion, personal experiences, strategies, and recipes for success. The talk is only available in German language. 

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