Otto Sticher deceased
With heartfelt sadness, the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences announces that our colleague Prof. em. Otto Sticher passed away on March 11, 2022 at the age of 86.

Otto Sticher was Professor of Pharmacognosy at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences at ETH Zurich and one of the leading natural product researchers. His research, recognized through many awards and documented by more than 400 publications, was characterized by great interdisciplinarity. Otto Sticher focused on the isolation, structure elucidation and biological activities of natural products from medicinal plants and cyanobacteria, as well as on the analytics and quality control of crude plant extracts, phytopharmaceuticals and ethnobotanical remedies. He was one of the main authors of the standard textbook on phytopharmacy and pharmacognosy. For a long time, Otto Sticher was also a dedicated curator of the Carl Hartwich Collection, which is part of the Chemical and Pharmacognostic Collection at the D-CHAB. In addition, Otto Sticher was a passionate teacher and mentor for his students and doctoral students. The D-CHAB, his former colleagues as well as students will honor his memory.