Day of open laboratories (TOL)
Since 2012, the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (D-CHAB) has organised an annual "Open Laboratory Day" (TOL), where school students in particular can learn more about our current research and attend exciting laboratory workshops. The program concludes with a spectacular experimental show. Most of the event is held in German.
TOL 2025
After a long break the Open Laboratories Day 2024 could finally take place again at the D-CHAB. We would like to continue this tradition: there will be a TOL in 2025 - in an optimized form, but again organized for students and their teachers (Sek. II).
We cordially invite teachers with interested school students between the ages of 16 and 19 to this exclusive look behind the scenes of the department on Wednesday, June 4, 2024!
The event is held in German language.
Details on the program and registration will follow in spring 2025.
Stay tuned!
Registration deadline for the event is May 09, 2024. Late registrations (e.g. for the waiting list, in case the event is fully booked) should be sent via e-mail to
The Open Laboratories Day (TOL) 2024 is designed for students aged 16-19. Younger students cannot be admitted.
A basic knowledge of chemistry is required to follow the event;
The event is planned and carried out as a full-day event: It consists of five short lectures, 4 lab stations (per student) from a pool of 10 and an experiment show. It is not possible to attend individual parts of the event.
The number of participants is limited. If the event is fully booked, we recommend that you register on the waiting list, as experience has shown that there are usually changes in the run-up to the event;
The group allocation for the laboratory stations is carried out by the organization team. Each student will receive a letter at the registration desk on site. Students from the same classes may end-up in different groups. We ask for your understanding.
During the registration process, D-CHAB points out that photographs and, if applicable, video recordings (including sound) will be made by ETH Zurich or D-CHAB during the event for communication and marketing purposes. The material created may be used by ETH Zurich for various channels (print, online, social media, events, etc.) without restriction in terms of time, space and subject matter. The authorization includes all current and future rights of use. Financial claims against ETH Zurich and third parties (photographer) are excluded.
Download Download declaration of consent (PDF, 43 KB) (German)
Participants are responsible for their own insurance; parents are liable for their children. Liability on the part of D-CHAB / ETH Zurich (e.g., for personal items deposited on site, accidents etc.) is excluded.
Every participant must strictly follow the instructions of the D-CHAB / ETH Zurich staff. If this is not the case, the event organization team is entitled to exclude the participant from the rest of the event.
Participants are obliged to inform the event organization team in advance of any physical or mental impairments so that measures can be taken (however, special support or care cannot be provided by the staff of D-CHAB/ETH Zurich).
Many thanks to the MINT Lernzentrum (Educ ETH) and the Infozentrum Chemie | Biologie | Pharmazie for the support with this event.

Tip: There are more opportunities to gain insights into research at the D-CHAB. We are represented with different offers at the following events: experiment afternoons for EHK KinderUni and KIHZ, ETH Public Tours, Science City , external page Scientifica, National Future Day , Information Days ETH and ETH unterwegs . Please refer to the respective websites for more information.

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