Stipendienfonds der Schweizerischen Chemischen Industrie (SSCI)

Der Stipendienfonds der Schweizerischen Chemischen Industrie (SSCI) ist ein gemeinsames Engagement der ETH Zürich und der zwei Industrieunternehmen Janssen AG und Givaudan Schweiz AG.
Ziel dieses Stipendienfonds ist es, durch gezielte Förderung von jungen Talenten dem Mangel an qualifizierten Chemikern in der Industrie entgegenzuwirken sowie den frühen und regelmässigen Austausch zwischen Forschung und Wirtschaft auf dem Gebiet der chemischen Wissenschaften zu fördern.

Bewerbungen können vom 1. September bis zum 31. Oktober 2025 eingereicht werden.

Givaudan (Schweiz) AG

Givaudan steht für eine persönliche Einladung: Verwöhnen Sie Ihre Sinne! Als führendes Unternehmen in der Aromen- und Dufstoffindustrie erschaffen wir Geschmacks- und Dufterlebnisse die täglich bei Millionen von Menschen Emotionen wecken, beim Gebrauch von Luxusparfüms oder von Textilpflegeprodukten, dem Genuss ihres Lieblingsgetränks bis hin zum  täglichen Essen. Unsere Aromen und Düfte helfen unseren Kunden in der Lebensmittel- und Konsumgüterindustrie Produkte zu vermarkten, die Konsumenten weltweit begeistern.
Givaudan ist stolz am SSCI teilzuhaben. Die Nähe des Haupt-Forschungszentrums für Riechstoffe von Givaudan in Dübendorf zur ETH Zürich und die guten Beziehungen zueinander erlauben es Givaudan, ein noch stärkeres und ein qualitativ besseres Netzwerk zu pflegen. Dieses wird sich inspirierend und unterstützend auf Givaudan’s Forschungs- und Technologie-Programme auswirken. Es bietet auch die Möglichkeit, das Bewusstsein von Karrieren in der Riechstoff-Industrie zu erhöhen, um so die besten wissenschaftlichen Talente anzuziehen.

Johnson & Johnson

Logo Johnson&Johnson Innovative Medicine

Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine is leading where medicine is going. Patients inform and inspire our science-based innovations, which continue to change and save lives. With rigorous science and compassion, we confidently address the most complex diseases of our time and unlock the medicines of tomorrow. Therapeutic areas include: Oncology, Immunology, Neuroscience, Cardiopulmonary and Specialty ophthalmology.

Johnson & Johnson was founded over 135 years ago. Since then, we have been developing new ideas and products that have transformed human health and well-being. Every invention, every product and every breakthrough has been powered by generations of employees who are inspired to make a difference. Their motivation is simply to improve peoples’ lives: The patients are waiting!

Being part of SSCI offers us a unique opportunity to actively collaborate with the highest-ranking and best-known University in Switzerland. The connection to students and professors allows us to perform targeted recruiting of outstanding talent, scouting of new technology, and general networking. By staying in touch with the SSCI awardees we get to know them better and provide them with an insight into the daily life in industry. Finally, SSCI offers an excellent platform to present Johnson & Johnson to a wider audience.

Wer kann sich bewerben?

Bewerben können sich alle Doktorierenden des Departements für Chemie und Angewandte Biowissenschaften (D-CHAB) während ihres ersten Doktoratsjahres. Mit dem Stipendium werden sie vom zweiten bis und mit vierten Jahr unterstützt.
Jedes Jahr wird eine Anzahl Studierender ausgewählt. Nebst der Auszeichnung in ihrem Lebenslauf, profitieren sie vor allem auch von einem frühen und wichtigen Austausch mit der Industrie.

Wie bewirbt man sich?

Doktorierende reichen ein vollständiges Nominierungspaket ein (alles in einer einzigen pdf-Datei), in Englisch und bestehend aus:

  • Begleitbrief
  • Lebenslauf mit Foto
  • Zusammenfassung eines Forschungsgesuches mit einer Kurzfassung und einer detaillierten Inhaltsübersicht (max. 5 Seiten)
  • Noten des Bachelor- und Master- resp. Diplomstudiums
  • Referenzschreiben Ihres Betreuers
  • Bewerbungen werden zwischen September 2024 und 31. Oktober 2024 angenommen


Ein Kommittee, bestehend aus Professoren des D-CHAB und Vertretern aller Partnerfirmen, nimmt die Auswahl vor. Die Dossiers werden nach Qualifikation des Kandidaten und wissenschafltichem Inhalt bewertet.


Anke-Christiane Kleint
  • HCI H 339
  • +41 44 632 28 90
  • vCard Download

Professur für Organische Chemie
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
8093 Zürich

Stipendienempfänger 2008-2024

Florian Ruepp

Porträt Florian Ruepp

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Bill Morandi

Unlocking a New Generation of Aminative Oxidation Reactions Through Understanding the Reactivity of Iodonitrenes

Steve H Park

Porträt Steve H Park

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira

Development of Metal-Catalyzed Stereospecific Reactions Utilized Towards the Convergent Synthesis of Jatropha Diterpenoids

Ian Warm

Porträt Ian Warm

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Helma Wennemers

The Azomethine Imine-Isonitrile Ligation for Tumor Targeting and Beyond

Sebastian Kölbl

Porträt Sebastian Kölbl

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira

A New TiIII-mediated Polyene Cyclization Approach Towards the Convergent Synthesis of Polycyclic Polyprenylated Acylphloroglucinols

Bence Botlik

Porträt Bence Botlik

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Bill Morandi

Advancing Rearrangements for the Formation and Modification of Aromatic Systems

Brenno Masina

Porträt Brenno Masina

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Helma Wennemers

Allysine reactive peptides for targeting fibrosis

Héloïse Colombano

Porträt Heloise Colombano

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira

Synthetic Studies of Secondary Metabolites from the Human Oral Microbiome

Lukas Sprenger

Porträt Lukas Sprenger

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira

Synthetic Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of a Diterpenoid Natural Product

Lena Beiersdörfer

Porträt Lena Beiersdörfer

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Helma Wennemers

Receptors and Sensors for the Selective Recognition of Saccharides in Water

Dominic Egger

Portrait Dominic Egger

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Bill Morandi

Non-Classical Alkyne Metathesis Mediated by Group 11 Transition Metals with Group 13 X-Type Ligands

Henrik Wilke

Portrait Henrik Wilke

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira

A Modular Approach Towards the Convergent Synthesis of Densely Functionalized Meroterpenoids

Liam Grunwald

Liam Grunwald

Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry
Group of Prof.Victor Mougel

Biomimetic Iron-Sulfur Clusters: Toward Applications in Small Molecule Activation

Willi Amberg

Willi Amberg

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira

Metal-Catalyzed Complex Cascades: 4 Rings-1 Step Towards Marine Diterpenoid Cores

Christian Ehinger

Christian Ehinger

Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Christoph Copéret

Development of a Unified Late Transition-Metal Precursor Family Suitable for SOMC and Bimetallic Catalysts for the Deoxygenation of Biomass-Derived Feedstocks

Moritz Fink

Moritz Fink

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira

Photopharmacological Tools for Biomolecule Degradation

Clemens Isert

Clemens Isert

Insitute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Group of Prof. Gisbert Schneider

Electron density-based deep-learning models for the prediction of ligand binding affinity

Miroslav Kosar

David Fischer

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira

Fluorescent Labeling of Native Cannabinoid Receptor 2

Alena Budinska

David Fischer

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Helma Wennemers

Stereoselective Organocatalytic α-Alkylation of Aldehydes

Lukas Lätsch

David Fischer

Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Christophe Copéret

Probing the Interplay of Isolated and Non-isolated Sites in Zeotype Catalysts by Solid-State NMR and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

David Fischer

David Fischer

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira

Synthetic Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of a Diterpene Natural Product

Stephanie Linker

Stephanie Linker

Laboratory of Physical Chemistry
Group of Prof. Sereina Riniker

Development of simulation methods to analyse and understand rare-event kinetics of biological systems

Julia Reisenbauer

Julia Reisenbauer

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Bill Morandi

Unactivated Alkane Bond Cyclization and Functionalization mediated by Rhodium-Porphyrin-like Catalysts

Viktoria Gerken

Viktoria Gerken

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira

Generation of Masked C1-Radicals by Carbon Nitride Photoredox Catalysis

Jérôme Kaeslin

Jérôme Kaeslin

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Renato Zenobi

Rapid and Quantitative Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Pharmaceutical and Clinical Applications

Anne Schuhmacher

Anne Schuhmacher

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Jeffrey Bode

Towards sustainable solid-phase peptide synthesis with a new amide-forming process

Giovanni Luca Bartolomeo

 Giovanni Bartolomeo

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Renato Zenobi

Nanoscale Characterization of Biological Samples with Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

Felix Pultar

Felix Pultar

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira

Synthetic Studies of Structurally Intriguing Metabolites from the Human Microbiome

Patrick Pfaff

Patrick Pfaff

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira

Reversible Spatiotemporal Control of Induced Protein Degradation by photoPROTACs

Antonia Schantl

Antonia Schantl

Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Group of Prof. Jean-Christophe Leroux

Novel Small Molecule Inhibitors for the Treatment of Vascular Calcification

Roman Sarott

Raphael Hofmann

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira

Photoswitchable Cannabinoids for the Study of CB1/CB2 Signaling

Moritz Hönig

Moritz Hönig

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry

Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira

Synthetic Studies on structurally and biologically intriguing diterpenoids

Christopher Gordon

Christopher Gordon

Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry

Group of Prof. Christophe Copéret

Structure-Activity Relationships from NMR Chemical Shift Analysis for Hydrocarbon Homologation and Functionalization Processes

Helene Wolleb

Helene Wolleb

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira


Synthetic Studies and Investigation of Biosynthetic Pathways of Dendrowardol C

Raphael Hofmann

Raphael Hofmann

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Jeffrey Bode


Site-specific modification of native proteins

Laura Piveteau

Laura Piveteau

Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Maksym Kovalenko


Molecular Understanding and Control of Nanocrystal Surfaces

Marco Brandstätter

Marco Brandstätter

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Group of Prof. Erick M. Carreira


Towards the Total Synthesis of Marine Antibiotics

Murielle Delley

Enlarged view: Murielle Delley

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Activation of C­-H Bonds on Tailor­-Made Supported M,O Sites

Alberto Kravina

Enlarged view: Alberto Kravina

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of a Polyketide Natural Product with an Unusual Carbon Skeleton via Cycloaddition Strategy

Simon Matoori

Enlarged view: Simon Matoori

Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Polymeric Microparticle-­Based Gastrointestinal Dialysis to Treat Hyperammonemia: Synthesis, Coating, Proof of Concept

Reinhard Zschoche

Enlarged view: Reinhard Zschoche

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Enhancing Pathway Flux by Sequestration of Enzymes in a Protein Container

Simon Breitler

Enlarged view: Simon Breitler

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Synthesis of 3,4­-seco­-Atisane Diterpenoids: Naturally Occurring Anti­-Cancer Agents

Christian Ebner

Enlarged view: Christian Ebner

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Towards the Total Synthesis of Diterpenoid Natural Products: Development of Novel Methods to Access Complex Structural Motifs

Christiane Siebler

Enlarged view: Christiane Siebler

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


From Functionalizable Collagen Model Peptides to Collagen based Materials

Stefan Diethelm

Enlarged view: Stefan Diethelm

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Total Synthesis of Alkaloid Natural Products Employing Novel Strategies for C­N-Bond Formation

Hajo Kries

Enlarged view: Hajo Kries

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Reprogramming Nonribosomal Peptide Synthesis

Simon Karl Küster

Enlarged view: Simon Karl Küster

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Development of a Droplet­Based Microfluidic Platform for Single­ Cell Analysis

Boris Tchitchanov

Enlarged view: Boris Tchitchanov

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Synthesis and Anion Binding Properties of Macrocyclic Push­-Pull Chromophoric Architectures

Nicolas Armanino

Enlarged view: Nicolas Armanino

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Ruthenium-­Catalyzed Hydroesterification Reactions of Olefins

Lorine Brülisauer

Enlarged view: Lorine Brülisauer

Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences


pH-­Sensitive Immunoliposomes as a Means to Modify the Reducing Capacity of Endosomes

Markus Roggen

Enlarged view: Markus Roggen

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Direct Iridium­(P,alkene) Catalyzed Allylic Substitution of Branched Free Allylic Alcohols



Yi-Lin Wu

Enlarged view: Yi-Lin Wu

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Electronically Active Acetylenes: Properties, Synthetic Utilities and Materials Application

Pablo Rivera Fuentes

Enlarged view: Pablo Rivera Fuentes

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Three-­dimensional Acetylenic Scaffolding Using Enantiopure 1,3-­Diethynylallenes

Vincent Diederich

Enlarged view: Vincent Diederich

Institute of Chemical and Bioengineering


Design of polymer hydrogels with a gradient in mechanical properties, used as support material for the cultivation and the differentiation of stem cells

Lars Giger

Enlarged view: Lars Giger

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Design and Evolution of Enzymes with Novel Aldolase Activities

Christoph Bucher

Enlarged view: Christoph Bucher

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


ß-­Fluoro Amines: Applications in Catalysis and Medicinal Chemistry

Fabian Buller

Enlarged view: Fabian Buller

Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences


DNA-encoded chemical libraries

Raffael Koller

Enlarged view: Raffael Koller

Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry


Electrophilic trifluoromethylation using hypervalent iodine compounds

Bill Morandi

Enlarged view: Bill Morandi

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Alternatives to Noble Metal Catalysts: Discovery and Development of Iron Catalysts for Chemical Synthesis

Manuel Müller

Enlarged view: Manuel Müller

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry


Design and Evaluation of Catalytic Foldamers

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