Moulton Medal for Gonzalo Guillen-Gosalbez & Co-authors

The Senior Moulton Medal, named after Baron Moulton, is awarded to authors of the most meritorious papers published by IChemE in the last year. Rewarded are papers that are forward-looking in topic areas that will be important in the future. This year, Gonzalo Guillen-Gosalbez, Elysia Lucas and Miao Guo are awarded the senior Moulton Medal for their paper about Sustainable Production and Consumption.
Wind of change in the chemical industry

Recently, the European Commission launched their transition pathway for the European chemical industry. This document supports the transformation of the industry until 2050, which is a big need since there are huge challenges ahead. How can we drive the transition forward and why is the chemical industry an interesting career path for young people? Find out watching the discussion of Alena Budinská, SSCI fellow and PhD student at ETH (Wennemers Group), and Dr. Martin Brudermüller from BASF.
Karl Heinz Altmann gives Ole Gisvold Lecture

The Ole Gisvold Lecture in Medicinal Chemistry has been established in Ole Gisvold’s memory. Through this lecture the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Minnesota recognizes scientists who have made outstanding contributions to medicinal and natural products chemistry. This year, Karl Heinz Altmann received the honor to give the Lecture and provided insights into “Total Synthesis and Functional Exploration of Macrocyclic Natural Products”.
Get to know the "Women in Natural Sciences" (WiNS)

Women have often had a hard time in the natural sciences, but times are changing. Associations like the Society for Women in Natural Sciences at D-CHAB and D-BIOL are contributing significantly to this change. Their recipe for success is to include all genders, raise awareness, strengthen networks, and have fun doing it. On today's International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Seraphine Zhang and Valentina Gasser talk about personal experiences, upcoming challenges, and big plans for WiNS.
Closing the gap between data science and medicine

Even after clinical trials, there is never 100% certainty about the safety and effectiveness of new medicines. The ETH spin-off Methodds of Adrian Martinez de la Torre and Stefan Weiler (Pharmacoepidemiology Group of Andrea Burden, IPW) offers tailored analytical solutions and expert services for this problem in healthcare.